Hola!welcome back to my channel!i am simin!
不知道大家有没有觉得上了大学之后掉头发比高中更严重了,天天熬夜学习的高中掉发,还没有熬夜追剧玩手机的大学生活掉发多呢,我不止一天为我的发量担心!Are there natural ways to promote hair growth?对许多人来说,让头发健康生长是很难的。但是呀!别太担心
Research has found several foods that can actually help your hair grow, and here are six of those foods.研究发现了一些可以促进头发生长的食物,以下是其中的六种。
相信很多大学生都和Simin我有着同样的问题,那么就要多注意多吃以下几种食物,Dark, leafy greens,深色绿叶菜,Citrus fruits,柑橘类水果,Sweet Potatoes,番薯,Eggs,鸡蛋Avocados,牛油果,Nuts 坚果。
while you may think that your hair grows slowly, it is actually the fastest growing part of your body because the skin it connects to, are the fastest growing tissues in your body.你可能认为你的头发长得很慢,但它实际上是你的身体生长最快的部分,因为它所连接的皮肤是你身体生长最快的组织。
Veggies are generally very healthy for you. Most of the time it is what you do to them that makes them unhealthy. 通常情况下,吃蔬菜是很健康的。是不当的烹饪方法使得健康的蔬菜变得不健康了。
Potato chips, French fries, onion rings, okra, green tomatoes… If you fry them, or especially bread them in white flour and then fry them, you are asking for belly fat.炸薯片、炸薯条、洋葱圈、秋葵、绿番茄等,如果油炸,尤其是用面粉裹了再炸,那么腹部脂肪就在向你招手。
Vegetables in the cruciferous family – cabbage, Brussel sprouts, broccoli – are super healthy, but they can cause bloating.
While it is only temporary, you might not want to eat these just before slipping into a slinky dress or a swim suit.
You might think you are eating healthy by grabbing a prepackaged salad. The problem is all the toppings that come in the package.
Commercial dressing is generally full of trans fats, sugar and preservatives.你可能认为包装精美的沙拉是个健康选择,但你忽略了其中的调味品,商业调味品中通常含有反式脂肪、防腐剂和糖。
Sweet corn is a starchy, high glycemic vegetable. Not only is it easy to digest but it spikes your blood sugar.
If it grows in the ground, it is probably full of starch.Eating too many of these, frying them, or adding lots of butter or sugar make these vegetables very unfriendly to your belly.
Drying out veggies and covering them with salt (or sugar) renders normally healthy vegetables unhealthy.First, all the water has been removed, concentrating normal sugars and calories.
Next, the salt causes bloating.They might better for you than potato chips, but not by much.