Hola!welcome back to my channel!i am simin!
There is only one type of tea. The questions that go with tea is the “milk and sugar” and how strong, not what type!
If you go to a cafe and get a mug or pot of tea, unlike buying beer, you are unlikely to get to choose the brand of tea, it is just black tea.英国只有一种茶,如果你去咖啡厅点一杯或一壶茶,跟买啤酒不一样,你无法选择茶的牌子,只有红茶。
More recently along the increase in popularity of coffee, herbal and green teas are becoming more popular in the UK. But in general if you see tea on a menu, it means generic black tea.最近随着咖啡的流行,花草茶和绿茶在英国更受欢迎了。但通常情况下如果你看到菜单上有茶,就是普通的红茶。
when foreigners learn I’m a Brit and offer me exotic flavours like “Strawberry and Passion Fruit” or some such nonsense, assuming we’re tea experts because we drink a lot of it. We aren’t, but we know what we like.
Most Brits just drink black tea, but it must be strong and hot and with cold milk and in a cup or a mug. People outside the UK make tea that to us is way too weak, in a glass and made with water that’s not boiling. All these are capital offences , as is adding hot milk or no milk at all.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO), China produced 79,269,592 tons of watermelon in 2016, imported 234,724 tons and exported 30,968 tons. The per capita consumption was over 50 kilograms in 2016.
S 一直以来,中国人对西瓜的热爱都给外国友人们留下了深刻的印象。事实上,西瓜并非“土生土长”的中国水果,但因为中国地大物博,西瓜品种多样,适宜种植西瓜的环境也遍布全国,是名副其实的世界最大西瓜产地。
E Watermelon, which originated in the deserts of Africa, was brought along the Silk Road to western China and ancient Ouigour, located in today’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.西瓜不仅有着堪比冰淇淋和甜品的口感,还有着任何冰淇淋和甜品都不具有的营养和低热量,绝对是“盛夏标配,肥宅必备”。
S Despite the popular belief that watermelon is just water and sugar, watermelon is actually a nutrient dense food. It provides high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and just a small number of calories.
E Watermelons have become synonymous with summer and picnics, and for good reason. Their refreshing quality and sweet taste help to combat the heat and provide a guilt-free, low maintenance dessert.
S 除此之外,西瓜还能消肿降压、美容抗衰、消除疲劳,不过,因为西瓜性寒,所以不宜多食哟.According to statistic from the China Agriculture Wholesale Market Association(CAWA), the top 10 food sold in CHINA IN 2017 were watermelon, apple, grape, citrus, banana, kiwi, pear, peach, pineapple and mango.
E 由于国内西瓜产区分布广产量大,我们可以尽情享受在夏天用勺子挖着吃西瓜的畅爽,怎么吃都不心疼.而相比之下,我们周边的日本韩国就没么幸运了,在韩国,折算起来买一个西瓜需要花费100多元人民币,而在日本,吃个瓜都算炫富。
S There are no absolute guarantees about what to do when it comes to choosing fruit. But at the risk of causing an international diplomatic incident we would suggest there some common ground about what to look for to choose the perfect watermelon.
E Feel the weight of the melon. The heavier the better.Press on the watermelon. It should feel firm and if it springs back, it’s ready to eat.Look at the markings on the melon. A yellow patch on one end indicates it’s ready.其实,敲西瓜听回声是一种普遍现象,不仅是中国人,几乎全世界的人都有敲西瓜听回声的习惯。